
Showing posts from April 19, 2010

Utakatasana(Chair Pose)

                                     Utakatasana(Chair Pose) The word “Utakat” means Powerful or fierce in Sanskrit which is name for the benefits that this poses gives for the doer. The English name is pretty much because of shape the body undergoes when doing the pose like a chair, thus the name Chair pose. Procedure of Utakatasana: 1] Start this pose by standing in Tadasana. 2] Inhale in and slowly lift both your arms so they are perpendicular to the ground above your head. The palms of the hand are facing each other and connected as if forming the namsate symbol on the top of your head. Keep the arms as straight as possible. 3] Now inhale and exhale and slowly try to bend you knee joint as much as you can without lifting heals from the floor. 4] Your torso may lean forward a little bit, but keep your abdomen inside and the back straight. 5] Hold this pose for 3 to 4 breaths and then coming back repeat the steps again for some time. Caution: It can be done by eve


                                                   SHAVASANA “Shavasana” is also known as “Mritasana”. The “Shava” here means a dead person same is the meaning of the word “Mrita”. It is to copy the way and feel of a dead person thus restricting the movements of both physical body and mental mind. Procedure of Shavasana: 1] Lie down on your back full length on the mat. Make sure you are comfortable as much as possible. Keep your arms aside from the body, both the legs apart from each other. 2] Arms should be apart from the body and palms of both the arms should be facing upward in a very relaxed pose. 3] Make yourself as comfortable as possible; if it’s cold have a blanket or something on top of you to cover. Loosen your pants if you do wear something very tight on the waist. 4] Before starting the pose close your eyes. One can even wear eye shades or piece of cloth to keep your eyes from bright light. 5] As you starts this pose inhale in and out and make sure you are w