1. Have a Cup of Tea
Don't drink coffee, drink tea. Scientists say that the extremely high content of flavonoids makes tea a really healthy choice, whether it’s green tea, black or some shade in between. The plant-derived compounds are very powerful antioxidants, which help in fighting cell damage and may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

2. Eat Your Breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. “When you go to bed, the body has to work to keep you alive and that burns calories,” says registered dietitian , “You need to replenish your body when you wake up.” Breakfast will help your body and mind function better during the day and help boost your metabolism to burn more calories. Some smart choices for people on the go: single-serving bowls of whole-grain cereal or oatmeal topped with fruit, or whole wheat crackers topped with cheese or peanut butter.

3. Downsize Your Dinnerware

Start using your salad plates as your dinner plates. Using a smaller plate helps you get used to eating smaller portions. you will start to really identify with good, healthy portion sizes and will feel very full after you finish a meal on a smaller plate.4.

4. Stop Obsessing Over Calories

Use the 25-25-50 rule, suggested by registered dietitian. That means 25 percent of your plate should be covered by lean protein like chicken or beans; 25 percent should be covered by whole grain pastas, brown rice, or potatoes (baked is preferable to fries), and 50 percent should be covered in vegetables. Vegetables are nutrient-dense, meaning they are packed full of vitamins and minerals, while being low in calories.

5. Indulge in Fancy Fruit

Instead of cake, try making fruits more tempting. Everyone wants something sweet after dinner, this is just a smarter way to do it, e.g. take a pear, cut it up, add some nuts, and throw it in the oven. “You can satisfy a sweet tooth without eating a lot of processed junk.

6. Increase your water intake

We all know that water is good for us. It helps with digestion, energy levels, weight loss, and can even help keep your skin in top shape. Just how much water to drink really depends on your age, activity level and other factors. A good rule of thumb: kids and adults who are healthy should try drinking water with each meal and between meals. To see if you are getting enough fluid: check your urine. Pale yellow means you are drinking enough. Darker urine or going to the bathroom less than four times a day means you need to up your water intake.

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