Asthma in Ayurveda

                  Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes severe inflammation in the airways. Asthma “attacks” are usually triggered by environmental factors, as is the case with inhaled allergens like pollen or pollution, and in some cases due to food allergies. During an asthma attack, the airways in the lungs become inflamed, constricting air flow and thus resulting in wheezing and coughing, combined with a feeling of constriction in the chest. Incidence of Asthma is considerably increasing, in today's stressful modern urbanized living. According to one survey, 15% of Indian population suffers from Asthma and in developed countries like USA every year there is 10% increase of Asthmatic patients.
                  Ayurveda, one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, views asthma and other diseases as a result of a person being out of harmony with the universe. Disruptions can be physical, spiritual, and/or emotional. There is versatile approach of Ayurveda to get at root cause of the problem and it helps in preventing the disease rather than treating it. The Ayurvedic treatment during an acute asthmatic attack involves relieving the distress of breathing. Ayurvedic medicine offers therapies that reduce the symptoms of, or even help eliminate, asthma over time, helping to control the chronic condition. Integrating Ayurvedic medicine with modern Western medicine can lead to an effective treatment for asthma.
In Ayurveda, asthma can be correlated with “SHWASA ROGA”.

Nidana (Causes) [Su. Utt. 50/3-5, A. H. Ni. 4/1]:

A] Factors related to diet:

1. Excessive indulgence in black grams, raw milk, soar curd, excess salt, flesh of aquatic and wet land animals.
2. Excessive use of 'Ruksha' (dry) and 'Guru' (heavy) diet.
3. Excessive use of cold water and cold drinks.
4. Excessive use of 'Abhishyandi' (Kapha producing) diet such as curd etc.
5. Excessive use of not easily digestible and irritant food.

B] Factors related to work:

1. Excessive exposure to dust and smoke.
2. Excessive exposure to cold wind.
3. Excessive cold bath.
4. Excessive sun bath.
5. Exhaustive exercise & walking.
6. Excessive sexual activities.7. Suppression of natural urges.

C] Other Factors:

1.Trauma to vital organs viz. - chest, throat etc.2.Asthma may be as a sequaelae in other diseases like - Fever, Long standing common cold, Tuberculosis , Anaemia, Heart disease, Poisoning etc.
Samprapti (Pathogenesis) [Su.Utt.51/4, Ch. Chi. 17/45]:
The vitiated 'Pranvayu' combines with deranged 'Kapha dosha' in the lungs causing obstruction in the 'Pranavaha srotasa' (Respiratory passage). This results in gasping and laboured breathing. This condition is known as 'Shwasa Roga'


Five types of 'Shwasa Roga' are described in Ayurvedic texts [Su. Utt. 51/5, A. H. Ni. 4/2]:

Among these five types first three are not curable.Tamaka-Shwasa is 'yapya' (Controllable) and is difficult to cure. The last one is curable. More than 75% of the cases belong to last two catagories.`

Clinical Features:


1. Dyspnoea
2. Coughing,


1. Feeling of constriction in the chest.
2. Wheezing.

Asthma, from an Ayurvedic perspective, is primarily a Kapha dosha syndrome [Ch. Chi. 17/8].

*Asthma with the predominance of Kapha dosha has symptoms of cough and wheezing with abundant clear or white phlegm. The lungs will be full of water, producing a crackling or rattling sound. Attacks occur during morning and evening.
*Asthma with the predominance of Pitta dosha involves coughing and wheezing with yellow phlegm. Other symptoms include fever, sweating, irritability, and a need for cool air. Attacks come around noon and midnight.
*Asthma with the predominance of Vata dosha has symptoms of dry cough and wheezing, dry mouth, dry skin, thirst, constipation, anxiety, and craving for warm drinks. Attacks occur mostly at dawn and dusk.

Treatment in Ayurveda:

Preventive Tips:

1. Avoid cold and damp places.
2. Go for morning or evening walk, do yoga mainly 'Pranayama'.
3. Avoid over-eating. Take light dinner one hour before going to bed.
4. Avoid Tobacco, wine and smoking.
5. Keep rooms well ventilated. Avoid air conditioners, coolers and direct air of fan.
6. Avoid perfumes, Agarbatti, Mosquito repellents etc.
7. Drink boiled water in plenty. Avoid over exercise and over indulgence in sex.
8. Avoid over exercise and over indulgence in sex.

Goals of Ayurveda for Treating Asthma:

Treatment using the Ayurvedic approach is determined by the particular dosha imbalance experienced by the asthmatic individual. Patients need to actively participate and be willing to alter diet, lifestyle, and habits for treatment to be effective. Treatment include reducing symptoms, eliminating impurities, reducing anxiety, increasing disease resistance, and increasing harmony in the patient's life.
A variety of methods are used, including:
· Reducing symptoms. Dietary changes, physical exercises, stretching, breathing exercises, meditation, massage, and/or lying in the sun are prescribed to reduce the symptoms. Herbs might be prescribed, along with tiny amounts of metal and mineral preparations, such as gold or iron.
· Eliminating impurities. A process called Panchakarma is used to cleanse the body by eliminating undigested food that interferes with healthy functioning of the body. Panchakarma focusses on both the digestive and respiratory systems. Enemas, massage, medical oils administered in a nasal spray, and other methods may be used.
· Increasing disease resistance. Combination of several herbs, vitamins, proteins, or minerals in tonics may be prescribed to improve digestion and increase appetite and immunity.
· Improving harmony and decreasing anxiety. Avoiding situations that cause worry and using techniques to release negative emotions are recommended.

General Measures:

During attacks - Apply warm 'Til tail' over chest and back [Ch. Chi.17/71, Su. Utt. 51/48, A. H. Chi. 4/1].
· Apply fomentation [Ch. Chi.17/71, Su. Utt. 51/48, A. H. Chi. 4/1].
· Take 'shunthi powder' 1/4 tea spoon + 'Kali mirch' 6 + 'Kala namak 1/4 teaspoon + 5 leaves of 'Tulsi', SBoil this mixture in 200 ml water reducing it to 50 ml. Filter and sip it.
· Mix a couple of leaves of the holy basil with honey and consume them every morning. This is a very effective remedy to keep asthmatic attacks away.
· When an attack is about to come, then chewing on some leaves of the holy basil mixed with rock salt.
· In order to clean the respiratory tract, roast gram and have them with milk just before going to bed.
· Grind some turmeric (use old turmeric for better results). Mix one teaspoonful of this powder with one tablespoonful of honey (again, the honey must be as old as possible). This is to be taken orally. This recipe is believed to work even when all other methods fail.
· For asthma in the early stages, it is beneficial to chew on some black pepper before going to bed.
· For temporary relief from asthmatic attacks, mix some leaves of the holy basil with black pepper and consume them.
· One more remedy is to mix some lemon juice with ginger and consume it once a day.
· Chewing a single fruit of the Chebulic Myroblan (harad) every night will give tremendous relief from asthmatic attacks.
· Boil six cloves in half a cup of water. Take a teaspoonful of this decoction with honey thrice a day.

Herbs Useful for the Management of Asthma:

· Piper Lungum builds up resistance against respiratory tract constriction and inflammation. Taken over a period of time, it builds a strong immunity against allergens.
-Adhatoda Vasica manages allergic disorders and bronchial asthma. Research indicates that the alkaloids in the leaves stimulate respiratory activity.
· Thylophora Asthmatica is an anti-inflammatory and acts as an expectorant. It also suppresses unnecessary immune responses and may boost other types of immunity.
-Termenalia chebula or Gall Nut· Terminalia  has rejuvenative, laxative, and expectorant effects.
· Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
The bark of the arjuna plant has benefits in the treatment of asthma. It is taken in a powder form sprinkled on the preparation of rice and condensed milk known as kheer.
· Asafetida (Ferula fetida)
Along with whooping cough and bronchitis, asafetida is also useful in the treatment of asthma. For better results, its gum is taken in a mixture with honey.
· Myrica nagi (Bay Berry)
Bay berry bark is effective in the treatment of asthma. It can be taken in the form of either a decoction or a powder.
· Trachyspermum ammi ( Bishop’s Weed)
Bishop’s weed is an expectorant. It can relieve dried up phlegm within the respiratory tract. It can be taken with buttermilk for best results.
· Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade)
Black nightshade can remove the catarrh and phlegm deposited in the bronchial tubes. Its fruits are taken for the remedy.
· Apium graveolens ( Celery)
Celery has antispasmodic properties; hence it is beneficial in the treatment of asthma. Either the herb itself or its seeds can be used for the purpose.
· Syzygium aromaticum (Clove)
Clove has expectorant properties; hence it is effective in the treatment of asthma.
· Allium sativum (Garlic)
Regular use of garlic can reduce the severity of asthmatic attacks.
· Zingiber officinale (Ginger)
Ginger is used in treatment of asthma due to its expectorant properties.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Asthma:

Two widely known Ayurvedic preparations for treating chronic asthma are Chyawanaprash and Agastya Rasayana.
The primary ingredient of Chyawanprash is a fruit called amla, which is the richest source of vitamin C in nature. This remedy is especially helpful for emaciated sufferers.
Agastya Rasayana is prepared with Chebulic Myroblan as its main ingredient. Along with Chyavanprasha, it is commonly prescribed to asthmatic patients.
Other useful preparations include Sitopaladi Churna, Shwasa-Kasa-Chintamani Rasa, Shwasa Kuthhar Rasa, Vasavaleha, Kantakaryavaleha, Vasarishta and Kanakasava etc.
Sitopaladi choorna is a very common medicine taken by asthmatic patients. It is to be taken thrice or four times a day, mixed with honey. One alternative to sitopaladi choorna is the Pippaladi choorna.

Pathya-Apathya for Asthma:

The following dietary guidelines must be followed in order to reduce asthma:-
· Sour foods such as curd and buttermilk must be avoided.
· Cold fruits such as bananas, guavas, watermelons and papayas are very risky as they can build up phlegm in the bronchial tubes.
· Fried and pungent foods must be avoided.
· Alcohol must be avoided.
· Excessive physical exercise must be avoided.
· Exposure to damp environment must be avoided.
· Exposure to cold should also be avoided.
· Dry grapes are beneficial in asthmatic patients.
· Light diet should be preferred.

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